Preserving the environment can happen anywhere; at home, at work or while enjoying outdoor activities. There are many ways in preserving the environment and we don’t really need modern equipment to do it because in using them, they just add up to the long term bad effects towards the earth. A good example of this is regulating carbon emission from vehicles and some home equipment. Anything that people do involves energy consumption like eating, watering the garden, heating homes and driving cars. Anything people purchase requires manufacturing and shipping that consume energy and produce wastes. Therefore, it’s best to consume less and be sensitive on all your decisions in everyday life that heighten the total human impact on the earth. Environmental preservation is needed to assure economic and social benefit for a longer period of time. Land, water and air are polluted and our mineral resources are depleted. We need to conserve our environment.


Many people are concerned about the state of the planet in terms of its energy supplies and changing climate. The clear meaning being broadcast by all responsible governments is that every person has a part to play in addressing these issues. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you can protect the environment by: preventing pollution, recycling materials, looking after reserves of water and conserving energy. Ozamiznon must be particular enough to do things that can help to protect the city this are the following:

                 Prevent pollution by disposing of all your litter and waste in the correct, legal way, such as using on-street waste receptacles when you are out and about, or putting it in your domestic trash can when you're at home. Follow local procedures for normal waste disposal. Contact your local authority for advice on disposing of unusual waste items, such as paint and computer parts.
                Recycle all materials that can be processed by your local authority. Place plastics, metals, paper and glass in the correct collection receptacles. Donate unwanted items to charity, such as The flood victim, who are happy to accept good condition clothing, furniture and foods.
                Look after reserves of water by making sure you turn off the faucet after use and by repairing leaks and drips. Purchase water-efficient appliances. Take showers instead of baths. Gather rainwater for garden use and use your lawn sprinkler less often or not at all.
               Conserve energy by choosing Energy Star products. Turn these off, as well as lights, when you don't need them to be on. Use air conditioning and heating less often. Make sure your home is insulated correctly to maintain a steady temperature.
               Reduce the amount of material you use. Print emails occasionally or not at all rather than printing them every time. Buy new things when you actually need them rather than on a notion. Organize a car pool with friends to use fuel efficiently. Efficiently managing your use of the world's resources protects the environment.
               By this thing you already are protecting the place Ozamiz city.


We all need everywhere to live; we all need the environment - the space where we live put simply. Communally, this is the world and together, and only together, can we ensure its sustainability, for our lives now and our children's futures. Sustainability provides a way for us to achieve environmental, economic and social outcomes, without limiting resources for future generations. There are many ways we can help to sustain our environment. It is said that we are killing our earth with all the chemicals and trash we are filling it with. There is a point that is not taken very often. The earth is a huge sphere hanging in space, powerful and majestic. Our own deaths from global warming and the negative environmental impacts we have created will almost certainly come first.
            Turn off the water when you’re brushing saves 10 quarts of water a time 500,000 quarts in a lifetime
Install low flow water faucets saves up to 50 percent water usage, or shower with a friend=)
            Take the SIKAD, ride tricycle at least once a week.
            Cut out or reduce your meat consumption. It takes several times the land and water to produce meat as opposed to vegetables and wheat. You’ll be healthier too. If you’re worried about protein eat beans and remember some vegetables contain protein too...
In that sense we make Ozamiz city a prodigious and magnificent place for everyone.


If everything of this well be done I am 100% sure that Ozamiz well be more known to everybody and everyone well be more enjoy and peace in every one's life.

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