The best way to help our environment is to reduce our waste:

try to find re-usable shopping bags that fold small and keep some in your handbag, glove box, center console or briefcase this will save you forgetting to take them with you, (there is nothing worse than finding you have so many green bags in the boot you can't get your groceries in!);
You do not need to put different fruits and vegetables into separate plastic bags. Most of them are already wrapped in their own natural packaging. Put them all together in a box or cloth bag;
If you cannot avoid buying a plastic bag, use it as a garbage bag instead of buying bin liners which are specifically designed to be thrown away. 
Just like in LA SALLE UNIVERSITY OZAMIZ CITY we are practicing the NO TO STYRO it is because styro contain styrene that can cause a cancer. 
Jollibee also are using paper box instead of a styro  and the Bench they are practicing using paper bag than to use a plastic bag.


Ozamiz city is one of the city that i should say amazing, it is because the city has this natural, historical and man made attraction.
 Yes it is good to see but then there are some things that ozamiz should be make or should be replace. 
I should say that the city need to have this improvement in order for this to be known to everyone.
 More shopping center, attraction and many more. the city must be full with a great scenery. 
The government of ozamiz must be more concern in regards of the city especially the city proper to be more attracted the known.


First, we must focus efforts to reduce oil dependence on vehicles and transportation infrastructure since 70 percent of oil is used in this sector and two-thirds of this is for passenger vehicles. Making vehicles more fuel efficient, commercializing electric vehicles, developing cleaner alternative fuels, and investing in public transportation infrastructure would be the fastest ways to reduce oil use while promoting innovation in the auto industry.
Rebuilding our economy on the foundation of energy efficiency and clean renewable energy is essential to protect against further environmental catastrophe, and it is the best way forward for workers, industry, and strong communities.

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